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Nat /Nadarajah Manickam Ph.D.
Sociologist/Educational Consultant
LES Multiversity, Loyola Extension Services
Web Presence
Primal Vision (Photographs/Not Updated)
Selected Encounters/Sessions/Lectures (Recent)
Peace, Peace Ecology and World Food Programme, Nobel Peace Prize Guest Lecture, 23rd February 2021, Sophia College, Mumbai, India
Living in Violent, Broken World: Urgent Need to Rethink Education and Our Common Future (s)
50 Years/Golden Jubilee Memorial Lecture 6, Loyola College of Social Sciences, 7th Dec 2021
Living in a Broken World: The Urgent Need for Public Compassion, (“Connecting Communities through Futures Literacy:Solidarity and Transformative Learning in a Post-Covid-l9 Asia", Chula Futures Literacy Week Project Int’l Conference, February 28 – March 4, 2022), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Living in a Broken World: Prophetic Anger and Public Compassion. (YouTube/16th March 2022)
(Center for Religious & Cross-Cultural Studies (CRCS) UGM, Indonesia.) Also see here.
AI, Technology and Compassion
Session at the National Symposium on Contemporary Developments in Artificial Intelligence:
Inter-disciplinary Interactions and Implications, 25 - 26th November 2022, Loyola College of Social Sciences Campus Sreekaryam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Published here/pdf. Corrected version here (Jan 2023/pdf)
Facing Stupidity, Seriously
Critical conversational/dialogue session with students of social sciences at Loyola College of Social Sciences, 8th December, 2022. Contesting the over-rating of human intelligence/smartness.. Preliminary references/resources on 'stupidity' here.
Recent Learning Ecologies/Learning Journeys (Courses) Developed and Delivered
Xavier University Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India
(Chair Professor, Centre for New Humanities and Compassion Studies)
25th January to 5th May, 2020
Group Project Output: Download Unfold Nest
Lessons Inspired by Laudato Si (Flipbook)
On Conscience and Compassion
Multiversity Platform, LES Multiversity/Loyola Extension Services, Loyola College of Social Sciences, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
15th January to 8th October, 2022/Read Testimonials (Ongoing)
(Individual Project Output in Progress)

2022 Batch
Right to Left: Dr. Fr. Ranjit, Nirmal (Nepal), Hom (Myammar/Sri Lanka), Rae (Philippines), How Kian (Malaysia), Marnie (Philippines), & Dr. Nat

2023 Batch (LCSS, Post-Graduate Students/Sociology)
Right to Left: Arun, Aiswarya, Aswathy, Dr. Nat and Nirmal (Programme Assistant Coordinator)