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Exploring Stupidity, Seriously
Different expressions/meanings/history/ sociology/politics/economics/dangers/wars/planetary destruction/artificial intelligence--artificial stupidity/alternative futures/poetry/comments/essays/videos/
e-cards/humour/art/everyday resistance
Getting to Know Stupidity
Dictionary Meaning of Stupidity (Cambridge)
Synonyms of Stupidity (Thesaurus)
Stupid - Definition and Meaning
Some Images and Quotes on Stupidity
Stupidity Quotes (Goodread) Stupidity Quotes (Brainy Quotes)
Stupidity (Wikipedia/Wikiwand)...Explore the References Section
The Clinical History of 'Moron', 'Idiot' and 'Imbecile' (Words With Unsavoury Past)
What is 'stupidity' in Malayalam? Ever thought of the meaning of stupidity carefully? Is the meaning the 'same' or 'different' or 'same but different' with its English usage?
Can you engage your memory...ask yourself some comfortable/uncomfortable questions? Have you taken any stupid decisions? Have you ever acted in very stupid ways? Can you reflect on stupid acts that have not only hurt you but also your family or friends or community or nature? Please do share the ones you want to.
More Resources Soon

Ever wondered why we never seriously engage with the study of human stupidity? We seem to have over-rated our intelligence -- We have well funded and staffed institutions all over the world to study intelligence (including AI). Understanding human stupidity seems to be avoided or marginal. (Yet you can find doctoral thesis on stupidity!)
Selected Video Resources 1
> Stupidity (Documentary/2003/1 hour 10 min)
Site 1
Site 2
Available on Amazon Prime Video Channel
Different sites where you can locate the video in case the sound and/or video quality are poor.)
> The Age of Stupid (Dramatised Documentary/2009/1 hour 28 min)
Not Available Free/Available on Amazon Prime Video Channel
(Video also available on other paid/pay per view documentary channels.)
A Selection of Readings
How Not to Be Stupid, According to a Top Stupidity Researcher
‘The Biggest Monster’ Is Spreading. And It’s Not the Coronavirus.
The Role of Stupidity in the Society and in the Health-care Systems
How Not to Be Stupid, According to a Top Stupidity Researcher
Howard Gardner (Multiple Intelligences) Discusses His Views on Stupidity
The five laws of stupidity: Laugh as much as you want…but think!
Have we reached peak stupidity? The only cure for our epidemic of idiocy is admitting our ignorance.
Stupid People: Our Society is Succumbing
For some, ignorance is bliss; for others, ignorance is something else
Is Stupid Making Us Google?

Stupidity/Google/Internet/AI "Debate"
(Check this out. This is just a selection. Please do your own search too.)
Is Google Making Us Stupid? (To read full article, you need to register)
Is the Internet “Making Us Stupid”? — Top 3 Pros and Cons
Is Google or the Internet Making us Stupid?
Is Google Making Us Stupid? Student's Essay (Against the Idea)
A Critical Textual Analysis of "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" (PDF)
Is Google Making Us Stupid? (Wikipedia)
'Algorithms' Are Making You Stupid + The Cure!
Don't Underestimate the Power of Stupid Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Google’s Algorithm is Amazingly Smart and Incredibly Dumb at the Same Time
How To Limit Artificial Stupidity
Selected Reference to Books
(Books not available for free. Click on the links and explore the basic info about the book. You may read the reviews of the books -- Just search the web with multi-search engines..)
About Fools and Idiots. Stupidity as It Is
The Dumbest Generation: (How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future)
Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free
The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity
The Natural History of Stupidity
A Nation of Idiots (On India)
Why So Stupid? How the Human Race Has Never Really Learned to Think
Intellectual Morons: How Ideology Makes Smart People Fall for Stupid
Stupid Humanism: Folly as Competence
States of Shock: Stupidity and Knowledge in the 21st Century
The Dilbert Future: Thriving on Business Stupidity in the 21st Century

Selected Video Resources 2 (with Texts)
The Fundamental Laws of Human Stupidity
Science of Stupidity (National Geographic)
Bonhoeffer’s Theory of Stupidity
Idiocracy: A Disturbingly Prophetic Look at the Future of America – and Our Era of Stupidity

Stupidity as Resistance
Charlie Chaplin and the Modern Times
Chaplin: Analysis of Modern Times
"Prof. Dr. Pargman’s will take as a starting point that humor ”enables members to deal with the ambiguous, uncertain, and political character of organizations as well as the tensions that arise from their engagement in alienating organizational systems” (McMaster et al. 2005, ”Fooling around") and that a 21st century version of the medieval court jester could be a way to destabilize and ”unfreeze” the status quo of the old institutional order, since the jester uses ”humor, satire and absurdity to perform a systematic challenging of organizational Doxa, the taken-for-granted, unquestioned truths underpinning the functioning of an organization” (Clegg et al. 2021)." Fools are Everywhere: The Role of the Court Jester in the 21st Century
What was Life Like for a Court Jester/Fool?
Spreading Stupidity: Intellectual Disability and Anti-Imperialist Resistance to Bioinformational Capitalism (Full article not available for free/Only abstract here.)