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As part of Child Rights Week and CHILDLINE Se Dosti Week Observance (2015), Kerala State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (KeSCPCR), CHILDLINE India Foundation and CHILDLINE Kerala jointly organised a Road Show on Child Rights namely; Child Rights Express. A KURTC, AC Low floor Bus (JNNURM Scheme) was hired and used for the same purpose. An exhibition was displayed on the glass windows of the bus inside and outside.
The exhibition was done to sensitise people to the issues, laws and schemes related to children. The journey was flagged off by Dr M K Muneer, Minister for Social Justice in the Presence of Smt. Shobha Koshy, Chairperson, KeSCPCR at SMVHSSS, Thiruvananthapuram. Child rights Express covered 14 districts in 14 days and reached lakhs of children and the public.
To sensitise the general public and children on child rights and laws.
To network and bring together all child-related services, providing mechanisms in each district.
To link with elected representatives of each district and ensure their support for child rights and protection.
To create a wave for the protection of child rights throughout the entire state
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